Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Spring Approaches

Hey All,

I am guessing no one is reading these entries yet, but what the heck...I'll keep writing for my own therapy.

Spring is on its way, but it doesn't look or feel like it. Covered Bridge is still brown and dormant, and you can see your breath the entire day. It's been a really long winter here in Southern Indiana, but that could also be a function of my advancing age.

This year, I commit to working on my golf game. I have been swinging indoors through the winter on a really cool indoor simulator called P3Pro. I am also working on my mental approach, and have been reading "Zen Golf." I had no idea I was so negative about my game until I started reading that book.

Last year, I was lucky enough to tee it up with Fuzzy, Ben Crenshaw and his agent, Scott Sayers at Augusta National. Do you know how bad it feels when you get your one chance at playing Augusta and your game (both physical and mental) are in total disarray? If you care to see pictures of that day, they are posted on my website at

But, it was a year of highs and lows. Later in the year I posted a hole-in-one and won a car during the charity event Fuzzy and I started called The Wolf Challenge. (Don't worry; I donated the car to charity that night.)

I then played in "The First Tee Pro-Am" at Pebble Beach with Fuzzy, and again played like a dog. In fact, I developed the putting yips while there, and then beaned a lady behind the green on hole 8. Sculled a SW from ninety yards and popped her right in the ear. She was a sweet elderly lady, and asked me if I was a professional as she held her hand over her growing ear.

"No mam. We need to get you ice for your swelling ear."

Fuzzy comforted her, looked at me and just shook his head.

"Lobeck, this happens out here all the time, but typically not from 90 yards."

"Thanks Fuz."

I am told I am playing in that event again, and in the interest of gallery safety, I will get things worked out. I HAVE TO.

I actually use to be a fair player, a single digit handicap, and as a high school golfer did well enough to have some small colleges look at me. I made a team at an all-male engineering school, but the thought of four years of math and science sounded like a punishment. That was the end of my formal golf career.

I'll keep you updated on my improvements, or slips into golf Hades. (Oops, that wasn't very Zen-like.)

I would love to hear about some of the challenges you have with your golf game. Maybe through the process of sharing, we can help each other out and have a productive 2005 golf campaign.

All the best,



At Wednesday, March 16, 2005 12:25:00 PM, Blogger Dave Lobeck said...

Hey Terry,

Whatever strikes you fancy. Golf fans are certainly well rounded.

Nice to hear from you.


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