The Federal Judge Rules on Terri Schiavo
It’s a sad, sickening situation.
This morning, Terri Schiavo’s REAL family lost their appeal with the Federal Courts to reinsert the feeding tube into their daughters stomach. I suppose there are other appeals in the wings, but time is running out. No water or nourishment since Friday.
I say “real,” because the husband has long since moved on with his life, having shacked up with another lady and fathering two children with her. Good look explaining this one to those kids.
This raises an interesting question in my mind. If he has been living with this lady for over six years, aren’t they now engaged in common law marriage? And if that is the case, is he not committing polygamy?
And if he is NOT committing polygamy, then in essence, he has divorced his former wife in dead and in action. Does he then have the right to speak for Terri and control her very life? I would conclude that the parents should in fact be the current guardian for Terri.
Do ex-spouses have the right to end the life of their former partners in marriage? Isn’t that the logical conclusion of this argument?
Lots of discussion about the “ex-husband / polygammer” having things to hide. Broken bones on Terri that to this date are unexplained. Accusations fly freely through the air.
The “ex-husband / polygammer” has even revoked the visitation rights of the family while Terry lay dying only yards away from them.
(For you grammar checkers out there, I am not sure if “polygammer” is a real word.)
The lesson to be learned here is that we need to put our wishes on paper in the form of a Living Will. Do we want to live that way?
I am reminded of a story told by Chi Chi Rodriguez. He was discussing “quality of life” issues with a friend who was in his 50’s. This friend stated emphatically that he DID NOT want to live to be 100 because he wanted to live life in an active manner.
Chi Chi smiled and said…..
“We’ll see if you feel the same way when you are 99 and about ready to turn 100.”
My prayers are with Terri and the REAL family as they go through this painful end.
Live today like it’s your last.
All the best,
Hey Shark Guy,
Thanks for the correction, and well put.
You know how sometimes you can have a total brain dead moment? I was experiencing that yesterday when trying to recall a term that is pretty common.
All the best!
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