Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Rub of the Green

I love cooking. I especially love BBQ’ing, and so does Fuzzy.

We are in the process of redesigning the labels and packaging of Fuzzy’s BBQ and Steak Sauces, as well as creating a line of dry rubs.

The fun part is testing them, and that is what we have been doing while on vacation here in Destin, FL.

Fuzzy and I have come up with four rubs. They consist of a pork rub, a streak rub, a fish and poultry rub, and something called “The Kicker,” which can be used by itself, or added sparingly to the other rubs to enhance their “kick.”

I have used them now a number of times, and I have to tell you that I think we have a winner. They beat any other rub I have used, and trust me, I have used all of them.

My challenge will be getting these products carried at retail grocery store chains. It is awfully hard to compete against the bigger companies, who routinely pay “slotting fees” to get their product premium shelf space.

If anyone has any thoughts, let me know. I will certainly let you know when the rubs are available so you can try them for yourself.

All the best,



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